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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1776. 537

[Burwell to Jenifer.]

Baltimore Decemr 18th 1776.
I am to inform you that last night Capt. George Cook
departed with about sixty or seventy men, Mr Auchenlick,
his first Lieutenant and other officers belonging to the Ship
Defence under his command, for the Head of Elk, from
whence they are to proceed to Philadelphia with an intent to
join the forces there.
I would have attended him, but was obliged to give place
to my Senior officer wherefore I was left in command of the
Ship 'till Capt. Cook's return from the Expedition, which I
expect will not be 'till Howe's expulsion from the Jerseys,
which I'm in hopes will be soon.
I have the Honor to be Sir,
Your most obedt Humb. Servt.
John Burwell.


[H. Hollingsworth to Council.]

Head of Elk 18th Decr 1776.
Honnoured Sirs.
Having just returned from Philada am inform'd by Colo
Rumsey of your order to hold the Battallion in readyness to
march which I doubt not will be obey'd with chearfullness (so
far as in our power) the want of armes is the only deficiancy
that at present appears, which I fear cannot be supply'd but
from your Citty, as I mett a number of the militia going to
Philada all without armes.
Coll. Rumsey and myself yesterday examin'd some chests
of armes, said to belong to the Virgenia State, but found them
old and much out of repaire, nor is there time at present to
repair them, as orders are Epected immediately for march-
ing, in which case at the request of Coll. Rumsey and in behalfe
of the Battallion I am Imboulden'd to solicite, that armes be
forwarded, unless there be a certainty of getting good ones at
Philada or some post forward, as it will annimate the Bat-
tallion much to be assured of good armes. I doubt not of
your necessary credentials to some person forward (in
authority) to enable us to obtain tents and every other nesses-
ary for the Battallion, and am with much Esteam,
Your most Obed' Humbl Servant
H. Hollingsworth.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7:December 31, 1776
Volume 12, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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