Baltimore 15th July 1776.
Gentlemen :
Capt. Robt Sanders has been on board the Alfred admr
Hopkins ever since he first fitted out, he went on board at first
as a Pilot when the fleet was intended for Virga, but after their
destination was altered he continued on board, and was in the
action with the Glasgow. He has Testimonials of his good
Behavior and I believe will meet preferment in the Continental
Service, but as you are intended to fitt out tenders & gon-
dolas, If it be agreable to give him the Command of one, I
presume it would be more satisfactory to him, and when you
direct I will write for him to return.
Commodore Bouchier has sent up for Capt Moore to go
into the Virga Service, but as I made application to you in his
behalf, I have prevailed on him to wait a day or two for your
answer: I must say that I think him very clever in his depart-
ment, has perhaps seen more service than any other than will
be in that employ and I should be sorry was he to quit the
service of our Province. If therefore you chuse to keep him
as Captain to one of your Vessells you will please to write by
Mr Yeks who returns early to morrow.
You will want Rigging for your Vessells which we shall
hope to furnish. And with much respect, I am
Gentlemen, Your mo: obedt Servts:
Willm Lux.