No. 34.
[Council to T. Smyth.]
Annapolis Dec. 2d 1776.
Sir. Mr Middleton will deliver you 250 Bushels of Salt to
cure Beef and Pork, which we must have purchased for our
Troops. If you can buy more than this Salt will cure, be pleased
to let us know it, and we will supply you with a further quan-
tity. Mr Hemsley informed us that there was a great deal of
Pork to be sold in Queen Anns. We think you might take
that county with Talbot, Cecil & Kent in your District Be
pleased to inform us from time to time how you go on. The
Defence arrived some time ago, she took five Prizes, but none
of them valuable. Captn Conway arrived here yesterday with
a very valuable Cargo. Goods that we much wanted and
1000 Bushels of Salt.
Thomas Smyth Esqr
[Baltimore Committee to Council.]
In Committee Baltimore 2nd Decemr 1776.
The officers in Colo Edward Cockeys Battalion has not yet
received their commissions, and as the Battalion are to meet
in all next week they conceive they have not a right to act
without their Commissions. We therefore request they may
be forwarded immediately.
We are
Gentn Your most humble Servts
Willm Lux
And. Buchanan
John Moale
Saml Purviance Junr