me for curing the Beef and Pork they had given me orders to
purchase. I coud have purchased by this time the 100 blls. of
beef and as many of Pork had the salt been ready, but for
want thereof could not pretend to buy a single beef and most
of it is now sold. There is a good deal of very fine Pork to
sell which the farmers hold very high up to 45s pr Ct and some
people I am told have offered that price Little or none has
yet been sold and I apprehend it may be bought at 40/ pr Ct.
If you propose to limit me in price or quantity please to write
me particularly by the bearer of this letter The salt ought to
be here now as most people will sell their pork in the course
of two weeks and when the salt arrives I shall do the best I
can. The people of the neighbourhood of this Town both in
this county and Queen Anns are greatly distressed for the
want of Salt, the Council woud releive their distresses much
if they coud send some for their use at the time they send that
intended for the Province use, and I woud engage to destribute
the salt and remit the council the money for it.
The Roe Gaily that is building at my yard is nearly ready
to launch the cables and Anchors are wanting to secure her
when in the water, the Guns are wanting to enable the car-
penters to make the carriages and the pig Iron for ballast.
The Council will please to direct me what name to call her.
Mr Thomas Coursey who stands on the list of applications
woud accept of the command of her. I am told he is very
capable and was all last war engaged in the sea service and
had the command of a privateer; or he would accept of the
command of one of the Province merchant vessels. Mr
Coursey is well known to several Gentlemen of your Board.
The Council will please excuse the liberty I have taken in
mentioning Mr Coursey and am with much respect,
Gentn your obedt Servt
Thos. Smyth.