C. S. C.
promis the will saill to morer I wish it may bee the case, I
have paid Capt. Celty 30 pounds, I beleve for his own use
and by his advise, and the scarsety of hands, I have got the
mate of the Prize Snow to ship him self mate of the 92 with
one of the hands, and paid him the wages due which was
£32. 13. 4. Pounds, the bills brought in against every vesell
with the salers and Captns wages is so very high, that it raly
scares mee every day the sums paid and I see no way to shun
it nor do I see any chance of it growing better I have Beef
enuf salted and have the promis of pork. But what to doe I
now not for the people have got to now that I have sum salt
which is yours, and the are threatening to putt the laws down,
and declare the will have the salt out. I never saw the people
so desperate. I can hardly pass the streets and you may as
well reason with the wind I cannot purchase a bushell for no
person, for if any man gets more than 2 Bushells the suspect
him of making some unjust use of it, if the say much more
about the Salt I shall send sum of it down to you. I propose
to morer to send sum more into every bucher's hand. I raly
wish the people had salt. Capt Martin will be loded about
Wendsday I think but if he saills Munday or Tuesday week I
shall think myself well off for it is imposible to make the dis-
pach I could wish. I am desir'd to hold myself in redynes to
march for New York or Jarseys Munday or Tusday next if I must
march I raly dont no what will become of your busines, and a
number of other peoples but as my cuntory calls I sopose I
ought to obey, as to Geting more salt for you I declare it is
out of my power nor do I think there is a man in town that
would choos to put 20 Bushells of salt in a ware hous at this
time and it be nown. I shall do my best for you.
from your humble Servant
Jesse Hollingsworth
[Conway to Council.]
November 29th 1776.
I take the Pleasure to acquaint you of my safe arrivil from
Martinico, in the Sloop Molly, Having a long passage 22
Days, up as high as Point lookout, as the winds keep to the
North so long I know I could not get up the Bay soon I
thought I had better send the letter by Express. Having one
of my Salors acquainted with the rode, I shall loose no time
and make the best of my way with the sloop up to Anapolis,
See nothing to interrupt my passage at the Capes,
from your most obedient & Humble Servt
Thomas Conway.