[Council to W. Wilkins.]
Sir. We request the favour of you, when you go up to
Philadelphia to enquire diligently after paper for the new
emission of money, and forward it with all convenient speed.
Should you want cash, apply to our Delegates in Congress
and they will furnish you.
Novr 13th 1776
Mr William Wilkins
C. S. C.
No. 3.
Philadelphia Nov. 13th 1776.
In consequence of a letter to congress this day received
from the Honble convention of Maryland inclosing sundry
resolutions of that Body relative to the raising their Quota of
the new Levies, I have it in charge to furnish you with the
Resolutions of Congress pass'd yesterday admitting the new
Levies to enlist for three years, and at the same time to inform
you, that if the Inhabitants of the State of Maryland will inlist
to serve during the continuance of the present war, they
already have the Faith of the United States of America
pledged for the land to be granted to such soldiers.
The Resolutions referred to you have inclosed, and contain
the sense of Congress as to the mode of the new Inlistment.
I am with Esteem
Honble Your very hum. Servt
Commissioners from John Hancock Presidt
In Congress Nov. 12th 1776.
Resolved. As the opinion of this Congress, that if the
Soldiers to be raised by the State of Massachusetts Bay be
enlisted on the terms offered to them, which are more advan-
tageous than what are offered to other Soldiers, serving in the
same army, it would much retard, if not totally impede the
Inlistment of the latter and produce discontent and murmur,
unless Congress should equally encrease the pay of these,
which it is the opinion of this Congress would universally be
reprobated as an immoderate Shame and complained of as a
grievous Burthen by those who must bear it, and therefore
that the Committee from the State of Massachusetts Bay be
desired not to enlist their men on the additional pay offered
by the assembly of that State.
Upon reconsidering the resolution of the 16th of September
last, for raising Eighty Eight Battalions to serve dureing the
present war with Great Britain, Congress being of opinion
C. S. C.