[Steward to Council.]
November 1776.
In your Provence Stoare I've sum Durame or Lamcis that
would Do to make Culers for the Provence vessels. Please
to let Mr Wasteney's, my clerk, have it he now waits on you
for it, if you can Spare it If you have no thin Canviss Please
to send me two Boults of your thickest ozenbrigs. I should
have waited on you myself but am oblige to Go to the lower
Part of Prince Georges County, whare I hear there is a
Quanttey of Bief to sell on Wensday morning. I intend to
set off to Baltimore by Water to Look after the Rigen, Cables,
Iron Hoops and boats for the Provence Vessels I understand
the Defense, Prise, Ship, Captain Walker has some small
Guns and Cohornes. If you have no particular use for them,
and will Give me an order for them I can fit out these two
Schooners with guns If you want me to do any thing for you
at Baltimore Plese to Request me and I will comply with your
orders, if I can. I am your most obedient, umble
Servt Stephen Steward
C. S. J,
Wednesday November 13th 1776.
Council met. Present the same members as on yesterday.
The Honble Daniel of St Thomas Jenifer Esquire attended,
and was qualified before Mr Hall by taking the Oath pre-
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to William
Paca Esquire one hundred Pounds for the use of Daniel and
Samuel Hughs.
Copy of Letter No 3 was sent to Mr William Wilkins.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieu-
tenant William Browne for the use of Captain Fulford's Com-
pany, twenty five Pair of Shoes.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to James
Tootell fifty eight Pounds seven shillings and six Pence on
Warrant issued to Lieutenant William Campbell to recruit
matrosses for the Service of this State.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Lieutenant William Campbell fifty Pounds for the Purpose
Adjourned till next Day 10 o'Clock.