[Ennalls to Council.]
Gentn Please to direct a court martial for the tryal of
Stanley Cook, a Lieut. in the 19th Battalion, for misbehaviour
and you'll oblige Your Hble. Servt
John Ennalls, 25th Octo. 1776.
C. S. J.
Saturday Octr 26th 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday, except Mr Tilghman.
Leonard Clements of Captain Stone's Company, discharged
from the Service of this state, he being incapable of Duty
through Infirmity and Sickness.
Ordered That Chs Wallace Paymaster advance to Leonard
Clements four month's Pay.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn Richard Davis
forty six Pounds, ten shillings for Amt Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to James Sterett thirty
five Shillings, for Amt Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Richard Coward,
Edward Markland & Thos Pamphillion fifteen Pounds for
Amts Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Jacob Myers three
hundred Pounds, on Bond for Wire manufactory.
Council of Safety contract with James Claypole for making
six hundred pair of shoes at twelve shillings pr pair, and
ordered that Western shore Treasurer pay to James Clay-
pole fifty Pounds on above Contract, he having given Bond
for Performance of said Contract.
Commissions issued to Thomas Watkins appointed Cap-
tain, Levin Lawrence, first Lieutenant, Thomas Todd, second
Lieutenant, and John Ijams Ensign of a Company of
Matrosses, raised for the Defence of the city of Annapolis.
Adjourned 'till monday 10 o'Clock.
[Secretary Peters to Council.]
War Office October 26th 1776.
Gentlemen. I am directed by the Board of War in answer
to your letter of the 18th inst to inform you that it is their
opinion and they request you will direct that the Rifle Com-
pany mentioned in your letter be immediately marched to
Philadelphia, if cloathes cannot be provided for them where
they are which would be much the best, as cloathing of all
sorts is extremely difficult to be had at Philadelphia &
Blankets are not to be procured at any rate. They might be
armed and accoutred, but might lie here a very considerable