hands on it, 'till within a few days past. I now inclose it and hope
your Honble board will not impute the delay to neglect or
disobedience of your orders, but to the reasons above assigned ;
and should you think it expedient to renew the order, must
request that the charge against the parties may be thereto
annexed, and be assured I will immediately proceed thereon
agreeable to your directions.
I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Gent.
Your mo: obedt Servts
Pat. Sim Smith.
Friday, October 25th 1776
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Commission and Letter of Marque issued to Francis Speake,
Commander of Sloop Potomack, mounting twelve carriage
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Luke Mar-
bury twenty four Pounds, six Shillings and four Pence for
Amt Acct
Copy of Letter No 237, was sent to Jesse Hollingsworth.
Vernon Hebb and Timothy Bowes appointed to take the
Depositions of any Witnesses relative to a Sloop sunk by
Dunmore's Fleet near St George's Island, and the sails, and
other Things taken from and out of her, by Wm Richardson,
and transmit the same, when taken, to the Council of Safety.
Permit was granted to Wm Thomas Master of Schooner
Edward to go to Martinique, he having given Bond, & lodged
manifest, agreeable to the Resolves of Convention.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Chs Ridgely,
twenty one Pounds nineteen shillings and ten Pence currency.
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 o' Clock.
[Council to Hollingsworth.]
If any of the Cabooses on board of the vessels belonging to
this State will suit the armed boat commanded by Capt. Pat-
terson, we desire you will send one down, by this opportunity,
as Capt. Patterson cannot sail without it. We are told there
is a small one on board the schooner Friendship that probably
will answer the purpose.
Mr Jesse Hollingsworth.
Oct. 25th 1776
C. S. C.
No. 237.