of the Council of Safety, 1776. 39
[Weems to Council.]
Inclos'd is a letter I just rec'd from Captn Chew, if it should
prove true please to let me know in what manner I am to act,
and am
N. B. Pray let us have some Your most Huml Svt
Cartride Box's. John Weems,
July 12th 11 O.clock 1776.
[Wilkinson to Chew.]
Dr Sir.
I this moment recd by Express a line from Collo Somervill,
acquainting me that there are forty Sail of Square Rig'd Ves-
sells as far up the Bay as Point Lookout. We have ordered
the Captains of our Battalion to call their Companies together
immediately, and have their Guns put in the best order they
will admit of. Like for them to be ready to march at a
moments warning Capt Parrans Company is under Arms,
have herd the whole of the militia of St Maries is in Arms. If
the Vessel come up farther, which I make no doubt they will,
Barbara begs that Mrs Chew will come down here. I am in
grate haste, then conclude by Subscribing myself
Your most Obedient Servant
Joseph Wilkinson
Saturday morning 7 O'clock.
To Capt. Richard Chew.
C. S. C.
Saturday 13 July 1776. C.S.J.
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Ordered That Copies of the Letter received from the Presi-
dent of the Congress, of the 8th Inst. be sent to the several
Committees of Observation in each County and District in
this Province respectively.
Ordered that warrants issue agreeable to the Recommenda-
tion of the Committee of Observation for Harford County, to
the following persons to command the Rifle Company to be
raised there, to wit,
Alexander Lawson Smith, Capt
James White Hall Lt
Wm Bradford 2 Lt
Josias Hall 3 Lt
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Captain Smith 300 Dollars, to the first & second Lieutenant,