C. S. C.
and that many may be prevented from attempting to join the
enemy could they see any Forces stationed among them to
afford them proper protection. Our militia have been so long
on duty, guarding our Bay and River Shores to prevent the
depredations of the Enemy and the Escape of Tories, that
they have many of them lost considerably in their Harvests
and suffered much in other parts of their property, and we fear
that if they are not assisted very soon they will be almost in a
state of despair. Capt Woollfords Company which was
originally intended for this County is now taken from us, and
part of it is ordered by Major Price to be stationed in Somer-
set, and the other part on the mouth of Nanticoke, whereby it
is rendered almost useless to this County, and we are left in a
manner defenceless, tho' as much exposed as any County in
the Province. This being the situation of our County we
thought it necessary to inform you thereof, and we doubt not
but your Honours will pay proper attention thereto. We are
with great respect
Your most Hble. Servants.
Signed pr order
P. S. James Murray Chaira
We are greatly in want of Powder, and should be glad to
receive a supply as soon as possible.
[Clarkson's Petition.]
To The Honourable the Convention of Maryland.
The Petition of Bazil Clarkson most humbly sheweth, that
your Petitioner now is, and hath been, for a considerable time
past confined in the Goal of the City of Annapolis for a sup-
posed crime, of which your Petitioner is in no wise guilty.
Your Petitioner also begs leave to represent to your
Honours that he is now in almost a starving condition, occa-
sioned by the want not only of the common necessaries of life,
with respect to bodily clothing, but also for the further want
of bedding, that he is now craving your Honours to release
your Petitioner from his confinement; and should your
Honours deign to hear your Petitioner at the Bar of your
Honourable House, your Petitioner is satisfied within his own
mind that he shall be well acquitted.
Should this Petition be adverted, Your Petitioner as in duty
bound will pray &c.