with security in the penalty of one thousand pounds current
money, for his future good Behaviour.
William Bartlet Townsend, Como. Dickinson, and Joseph
Gray Taylor recognized the principal in the sum of one
thousand Pounds, for his good Behaviour, and that he will not
correspond in any manner with, act, aid, or in any way assist
the Enemies of America, and be of future good Behaviour ;
the secys in £333. 6. 8. each
Ordered That he pay all expences incurred in the Prosecu-
tion of the above charge.
Ordered That his Estate be delivered him upon his paying
the Committee of observation of Worcester County, and
Bartlet Townsend respectively, all the expences incurred.
Basil Clarkson of Dorchester County was discharged, and
thereupon it was ordered that his property be forthwith
returned him.
Jesse Selby of Captain Long's Company discharged from
the service of this State.
Ordered That the Paymaster advance one month's pay to
Jesse Selby.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay Wm Traverse
twenty six Pounds, six shillings and four Pence, for militia duty.
Adjourned 'till Monday 10 o'Clock.
Thus end the Proceedings of the Council of Safety.
Test. R. Ridgely Clk.
18th October 1776
Resolved That the Council of Safety be impowered to hear
and determine on the case of William Bartlet Townsend of
Worcester County, and to pass such judgement therein as in
their discretion they may think fit
Extracts from the minutes, G Duvall Clk.
Depositions against Townsend and Scarbrough.
[Depositions, &c., in Townsend' s Case.]
No 1.
November 16th 1775.
The Deposition of Edward Pettitt being of full age deposeth
and saith that he lay at Josiah Robin's the last night and
waking before day about an hour (as he apprehended) he
heard some person come to the House on which Mr Robins
got up and asked him to set down by the fire upon which
he heard the said Robins and the Person then come talking
but did not give attention till he heard the said Robins say,
talk easy Petitt is up stairs, upon which this Deponent got up
and went down immediately and ask'd who had been there