pay for his company amounting to £118.. 17,. 6. not knowing
that such a sum had been paid him at the commencement of his
march. Capt Hindman informs me he received Maryland pay
to the 3rd August, so that there will be due the State from
that compy the amount of the whole company's pay for eight
days, viz, from the 26th of July to the 3rd of August. With
regard to the four independ' companies viz, Gunby' s, Thomas's,
Woolford's & Bracco's, which have joined the Battalion lately,
I do not know how to make out their pay accounts against the
Continent, not having been informed at what time they were
considered as having entered into its service. I have understood
that most of the four received a month's pay advanced them
at Philadelphia, but they have received none since they came
here, nor do I expect they will, till about the beginning of
November, when they may probably be paid up to the end of
October, with the rest of the Troops. I shall be very glad to
be inform'd by your Honours as soon as possible, of the time
these four Companies entered the service of the Continent,
and also whether I am right or not, in fixing the time of the
Battalion & Veazeys on the 6th and Hindman's on the 26th July.
I will send you a particular account of the disposal of the pay
now laying ready, as soon as I have paid off the men, and
settled the account to that time, in the mean time I shall
execute any of your commands in the best manner I am
capable of. And am with great respect.
Your very obedt Servt
Chrisr Richmond
P. S. Capt. Scott informs me he paid a sum of money in
part of the State's acco' against him to Mr Chas. Howard,
credit for which is not given and I think Captn Adams paid
some money to some person in part of his accot.
[T. Bond to Jenifer.]
Harford County
I am to inform you that it is not in my power to purchase
blanketts & Linnin fitt for tents. Arms I have about forty
but believe shall be able to procure as many as the company
may want, they will want some repairs. The company is now
up and Capt Harris waits on your Board for orders. I could
have purchased blankett and linnen but at a much higher
price than the Council thought reasonable I have sent up to
Pensilvana where I hear is linnen and blanketts both county
made, and as the blanketts is larger than those from Europe I
am afraid they will fail as to the blanketts in Harford Town it
is uncertain that the company mentioned in yr letter will leave