350 Journal and Correspondence
Francis Saunderson for sundry expressions which appeared to
us of such dangerous tendency, that we conceived it to be
our duty to transmit him to you for further examination. We
have accordingly sent him under a guard of the militia,
accompanied by Mr Evans the Evidence against him. The
charge against Mr Saunderson enraged the people so much
that it was with much difficulty he could be protected from
the popular resentment. By order of the committee
Saml Purviance Junr
[Garrett to Jenifer.]
Sr. I received your favor with one hundred pounds by Mr
Hall. I am very unfit for the task entrusted to me being so
deprived of my sight as to be unable to distinguish any writing
or print, but desirous to promote the service all in my power,
I have applyed to some gentlemen of our county to assist me.
I fear linnen cannot be got at the price you mention nor good
new blanketts at the price stipulated. Good Kersey blanketts
take 5 yds, & 5/ per yard is the lowest that article can be had
at, however tryall will be made, and shall furnish you with the
success we have. I have seen some linn at Doctr Archer's
Factory, but they ask more than you allow me to give.
I am Sir Yr humble Servant
Harford October 14th 1776. Amos Garrett
C. S. J.
Tuesday Octr 15th 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That commissary of Stores deliver to Colo Fitzhugh
ten pounds of powder, he having supply'd militia with that
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Saml Dorsey
five hundred Pounds, on Acct of Cannon Contract.
Copy of Letter No 215 was sent to Colonel Thomas Hughes.
No 216 to Bent Edwd Hall.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Cumberland
Dugan one thousand Pounds, to be accounted for.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Cumberland
Dugan eight hundred Pounds, for Schooner Ninety two.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Philemon Warfield for
use of Mattw Hammond four Pounds, four shillings for Qr Mas-
ter ship.
Commission issued to John Carlile appd 1st Lieutt Wm Young
2d Lt & Robert Morgan Ensign of Captn Holland's Company
of Flying Camp.
Copy of Letter No 217 was sent to Captn Francis Holland.