[Lux and Bowly to Council.]
Baltimore 11 October 1776
Gentlemen. We are favor'd with your letter of the 5th Inst
Mr Stewart is now here and we are making some cordage for
him. and hope to accomplish the whole order in time for your
vessells. We are well assured that we can furnish you on a
greater certainty than any body else, and mean to do it, but
wee will not contract to deliver it to a certain day, the vessells
now furnishing must be compleated. We propose waiting on
you" some day next week either Tuesday or Wednesday. In
the mean time, We are most respectfully Gent.
Your obliged obedt Servt
Lux & Bowly.
[Lux to Council.]
Baltimore n October 1776
Gentlemen. The Privateer Harlequin being now ready to
sail and Capt Benjn Handey appointed commander, he now
waits on you to obtain a new commission, the former one
being in the name of Capt Wm Wolsey, and he being now
on the Eastern Shore we cannot procure it to return to you,
but we hereby engage and pledge our Honors that it shall
be returned immediately on his geting here, hoping you will
not on that acct detain our vessell, as she is now rather late
for the Jamaica Fleet, some of which we flatter ourselves with
bringing in.
I am in behalf of the concern Gentn your mot obedt
Servt Willm Lux.