[Petition of Chew's Company.]
The humble petition of a majority of Capt Richd Chew's
company of militia belonging to Colo John Weem's battalion.
These humble petitioners doth petition this honourable
house of Convention for a new choice of commissioned officers
to serve under in the Militia, as they thinking themselves ill
used by the present ones for the reasons hereafter mentioned.
First: We do complain of an unfair election for a second
lieutenant on Friday the ninth day of August last, two judges
being appointed to take down the votes, and one of the
candidates desiring to see the poll after it was closed was
denied the sight of it, for which reason he thinks himself ill
Secondly. We can and are ready when called upon to prove
our officers have been partial in regard to fines upon the
people for not attending on field days, and offering to clear
all their back fines that would vote for Mr Richard Harrison
to be second Lieutenant.
And thirdly and lastly we do complain of our Captain and
Ensign, speaking in public company against the poor people
in generall as you do see in Mr Gilbert Hamilton Smith's
form of Deposition above mentioned.
Signed Octob 5th 1776.
John Birckhead Jr. Gideon Shoemaker William Whittington
Gilbert Hamilton Smith Thomas + Turner Francis Whittington Jr.
mark his
Nehemiah Birckhead Francis Wettington Isaac + Tucker
Seaborn X Tucker