of the Council of Safety, 1776. 257
I hope the freedom I have taken will be readily excused,
especially when 'tis considered, and I hope believed, that I
have no other motive than the publick service. With this
hope I conclude myself,
Your most obedt Hble Servt
J. A. Thomas.
Thursday September 5th 1776.
Council met. Present the same members as on yesterday.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Wiseman
Claggett three pounds, ten shillings for a Gun.
Ordered That Commission issue to Robert Polk of the
Schooner Montgomery, he having given Bond according to
the Instructions of Congress.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Richd
Weems twelve shillings for & on Acct of his Compy
Ordered That Commissary of Stores at Annapolis deliver
to John Davidson one Barrel of Musquet Gun Powder, in
exchange for one Barrel of Cannon ditto.
Commissions issued to Solomon Long appointed first Lieu-
tenant, Ely Dorsey 2 Lieutt & Richd Grace 3rd Lieutt of an
Independant Company.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Eliza Sharpe
two Pounds, fourteen shillings & six Pence for nursing the
sick at Hospital
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Philis Waterland
fifteen shillings for attending sick at Hospital.
Ordered That Paymaster pay to Captain Watkins one
month's pay ending 3rd Day of Sepr inst.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Edwd Abell
one hundred & thirteen pounds, fifteen shillings & ten pence,
for his Compy of Militia on duty.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Lieutt Henry Downes
for use of Philip Fiddeman four hundred and seventy five
Pound seven shillings & ten pence for & on Acct of his
Ordered That Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Colo Benson
Stanton two hundred & seven pounds, two shillings and six
Pence, for militia duty.
Ordered That Commissary of Stores at Annaps deliver to
Captn Philip Feddeman, eighty six Knap & Havresacks,
Priming Wires & Brushes & fifteen Camp Kettles.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Richd Bar-
naby forty five pounds, for Boatage.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Chs Wallace Esqr five
hundred Pounds.