of the Council of Safety, 1776. 243
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Colo J: C: Hall five
pounds for a Rifle.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn Robt Bowie
nineteen Pounds, fifteen shillings and ten pence on Acct o:
Ordered That Colo Hall be requested to march his Bat
talion with all convenient speed to Phil" subject to the orders
of Congress.
Adjourned 'till next day 10 o'Clk.
C. S. J.
[M. Chaille to Council.]
To the Honourable Council of Safety
of Maryland. Gent. The inclosed commission the
honble Convention were pleased to honour me with in Janu-
ary last. I have since that time altered my situation in life
which makes it inconvenient for me to keep the same.
hope the above reason will be satisfactory for my resigning.
I have the honor to be Gent Your oblidged Hble Servt
Moses Chaille
Worcester County Aug 27th 1776.
[Perkins to Jenifer ?]
Sir. Kent County Maryland Aug 27th 1776.
Please to send me as much money as will defray the expense;
of the Company under my command to New York. The
Bearer Mr Joseph Earle will receive it for me. Your compli
ance will oblige Yours &c
Isaac Perkins.
[R. Beall to Council.]
Gent. Annapolis August 27th 1776.
In case the Independant Companies are incorporated into a
Battalion or any more regular troops raised in this province,
I beg leave to recommend to your notice Major Daniel J
Adams, who, as an officer under me, has always dischargee
his duty, with the greatest alacrity and spirit, both in and ou
of action. I am Gent with respect
Your mo obedt Hble Servt
Rezin Beall.
[Dorchester Committee to Council.]
In Committee of Observation Aug 27th 1776.
Gentn We have received your letter requesting our fur
nishing Capt Brooke's company with arms. We are to inforn