of the Council of Safety, 1776. 241
Ordd That Western shore Treasurer pay to Wm Jenkins four
Pounds, ten shillings for Waggon-Hire
Ordered That Paymaster advance one months pay to Capt.
Woolford one months pay, ending the 3rd September.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Captain
Woolford half a months pay continental Currency.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Abel Hill
eighteen shillings for Duty in militia.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Colo Weems five
pounds, eleven shillings and six Pence for militia on Duty.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Wm Lindsay seven
pounds, ten shillings for Waggonage.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Brigr General Beall
one hundred and twelve pounds, four shillings and eleven
pence for and on Acct of his Compy
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Majr Thomas Snowden
seventy five Pounds, sixteen shillings, and eight Pence for
Gun Carriages.
Adjourned till next Day 10 o'clock.
[Council to Nicholson.]
To Captain James Nicholson
Sir. It will be uncertain whether we can meet with a vessell
here, to go to James River for the Coal, we shall be glad
therefore if you will procure for us three that will bring from
fifteen hundred to two Thousand each, and dispatch them
down to us with the greatest Expedition — the Resolution must
go with them for their protection, she must call here in her
way as we shall send a person in her with Cash to contract
for the Coal.
August 26th 1776
C. S. C.
No. 1 66.
[Council to Dorsey.]
To Mr. Samuel Dorsey
Sir. The Council of Safety request you will immediately
send down what Tents you have made, they are much want-
ing as all our Troops are under Marching Orders.
26 August 1776
No. 167.
Tuesday Augt 27th 1776
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
John Hanson Briscoe appointed Surgeon to the seven Inde-
pendent Companies.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Abraham
C. S. J.