C. S. J.
Monday 26th August 1776
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That Commissary of Stores at Baltimore Town
deliver to Captain Bennett Bracco fifteen Tents, and six Camp
Ordered That said Commissary immediately send to Ann-
apolis whatever stores have been heretofore ordered to be
sent to this place.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Majr Philip
Fenwicke one hundred and nineteen pounds, two shillings &
six Pence, for militia on duty.
Ordered That Paymaster advance to Captn Bracco's Com-
pany one month's pay ending on the third Day of Septr next,
and half a month's pay besides.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to James
Steuard ten pounds, for Baggage Waggon for the Flying
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Wm Jacob
forty three pounds two shillings for Tent-making.
Ordered That commissary of stores at Annapolis deliver to
William Jacob all the Tenting Linen now in the magazine, one
half whereof to be delivered to Wm Johnson.
Copy of Letter No 162 was sent to Captn Nicholson
No 163 was sent to Mr Saml Dorsey.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
Disney thirty three shillings for ten Iron Potts.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captain Jas Disney
nine pounds for two Guns.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Edwd Edgerly seven
pounds, fen shillings for one month's pay, as Adjutant.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captain Edwd Nor-
wood sixty nine pounds, three shillings for Pay pr Acct
Ordered That commissary of stores at Baltimore, deliver to
Colo Hyde what hunting shirts he may want for his Compy &
send the residue to Annapolis.
Ordered That Captn Nathl Smyth be requested to deliver
to Colo Hyde 40 musquets.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Captn Bracco
sixty one pounds, twelve shillgs & six Pence for Amt of his
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Josh Merriken five
Pounds, fourteen shillgs for Duty of his militia Compy
Ordered That Commissary of Stores at Baltimore deliver
to Captn Woolford 98 Canteens, 98 Knapsacks with Havre-
sacks, 18 Tents, 18 Camp Kettles & 98 Priming Wires and