236 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Captn Danl
Dorsey thirty shillings & six Pence, for cooking for his Compy
Ordered That Commissary of Stores at Bait. Town deliver
to Captn Bracco 40 Bayonet Belts, 42 Cartouch Boxes, 20
Gunslings & 104 Canteens for use of his Compyalso one Bolt
of oznabgs
Ordered That Western shore Treasurer pay to Captn Danl
Dorsey five Pounds, ten shillings for two Guns.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn Disney ninety
nine Pounds, sixteen shillings & eight Pence for Bala of Acct
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Captn Gunby twenty
two pounds, two shillings & eight Pence, for & on Acct of his
Ordered That Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Colo Ennalls
three hundred & sixty five Pounds, nineteen shillings & one
Penny on Acct of militia.
Ordered That Western Shore Treasurer pay to Captain
Thomas Harwood one hundred pounds, on Contract for a
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 oClock.
C. S. C.
No. 160.
[Council to Washington.]
To His Excellency Gen. Washington.
This Letter will be handed to your Excellency by Monsr
Peticuenet Dhugie, who came Passenger in an armed Brig
purchased for the Province of Maryland by Messrs Vanbibber
& Harrison our agents in Statia and Martinique who inform,
that he was warmly recommended to them as a Gentleman of
Character and experience in the Management of Artillery.
We should have employed him in our Province, had he been
desirous of entering into its Service.
August 24 1776
The bearer, Monsr Peticuenet Dhugie, a Native of France
(and who has served in the Artillery of his most Christian
Majesty) is permitted to pass from this Province without
interruption to New York.
No. 161.
[Council to Dames.]
To Captain Dames.
We wrote you yesterday the reason of our ordering the
deficiency of arms in Captain Deane's Company to be
supplied out of yours. Inclosed is an order on Winters for
forty musketts fitted, you will be furnished with Cartouch
Boxes, Knapsacks with Havresacks, Bayonet Belts, Gun