214 Journal and Correspondence
readily and I believe at a very reasonable rate. The money
you were pleas'd to let me have to advance to the men for the
purchase of necessaries, is entirely expended, and we have
and must run in debt for many things we cannot do without.
Most of the men require a full month's pay, and some more,
to procure necessaries to enable them to march. I hope your
Honours will supply me with money for this and the above
mentioned purposes not forgetting that our travelling expenses
will be considerable.
The 20 pieces of linen you ordered over for our tents are
not sufficient for the purpose, they will generally hold out 40
yds. to a piece, and each tent requires 30 yards agreable to
this calculation, which is just there will be 120 yds. or 3 pieces
I am Gent with the greatest respect your most obedient
servant Thomas Smyth Junr
C. S. J.
Saturday 17th August 1776.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That Western Shore Treasurer pay to Messrs Shaw
& Chisolme seventy two Pounds, twelve shillings & eleven
Pence, for repairing & stocking guns.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to James Taylor nine
Pounds, for Carriage-Wheels for Cannon.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Colo Wm Richardson
two hundred & fifty nine Pounds, fifteen Shillings & eight
Pence, for Pay of 14th Battalion of Militia on duty.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Patrick Hanan forty
three Pounds, sixteen shillings for Tent-polls.
Ordered That Western Shore Treasurer pay to Lieutt James
Williamson for use of Captn Thomas Smyth one hundred &
thirty five Pounds, for Pay & Subsist of his compy.
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Isaac Harriss ninety
five Pounds, eleven Shillings for his Services as Armourer.
Ordered That Mr Thomas Ringgold pay to Lieutt Jas Wil-
liamson for use of Captain Thomas Smyth thirty Pounds con-
tinental currency to defray the expences of his march to the
Flying Camp
Ordered That Western Shore Treasurer pay to Colo Hyde
for use of Thomas Jones £23-- 9- 9
Captn Rutter 60.. 18.. 2
Captn Teams 56.. 14.. 8
Lieutt Parker 48.. 15.. -
for Amts of their several Accts
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to Col. Wm Hyde four