of the Council of Safety, 1776. 213
Griffith's Battalion 9 Companies 90 men each............ 810
Colonel Carvell Halls ditto ditto ............ 8 10
3 Companies of Colonel Ewings............................... 270
7 Companies of Eastern Shore Battalion ..................... 644
the remaining Companies of Ewings and the Eastern Shore
Battalion must borrow Arms from the Militia to do duty here
they can get Arms on no other Terms.
C. S. C.
[Council to Smyth and Perkins.]
To Captains Smyth and Perkins
Gentlemen By desire of the Convention you are to march
your Company, as soon as they are ready, to Philadelphia,
where you will receive further orders. The Service requires
the utmost dispatch & we earnestly request you will exert
yourself on this occasion. We have wrote the Committee tc
supply you with Camp Kettles, Gun Slings, Wooden Bottles
and Cartouch Boxes. Messrs Smyth and Ringold who are
requested to have tents made, will furnish you with them
Knapsacks Haversacks and Priming Wires shall be sent you
from Baltimore.
August 16 1776
No. 145.
[Council to Gordon.]
To Mr. John Gordon, Baltimore Town
As all the Troops belonging to the Province are directed tc
march immediately to the Northward, we beg you will wort
Day and Night in furnishing the Knapsack and Havresack;
you have engaged to make, as they cannot march without
16 August 1776
No. 145.
[T. Smyth, Jr., to Council.]
Chester Town August 16th 1776.
Gentlemen. Mr Williamson 1st Lieut. of my Company
waits on you for my marching orders and any other you may
please to issue to me. My company now want nothing but
Knapsacks to equip them completely, which, (as I suppose you
have them not) I shall be glad you'll please to order me to pro-
cure furnishing me with money for that purpose.
I shall be glad to receive your orders concerning Baggage
Waggons, they can be either hired or purchas'd here very