of the Council of Safety, 1776. 211
[Council to Parker.]
To Edward Parker
We have recd your favor of the 14th Instant, also the Thread
— and request you will immediately, on receipt of this, forward
all the Course Cloth & Linnen to Mr Jerrard Hopkins the
Deputy Commissary at Baltimore Town.
August 16th 1776
C. S. C.
No. 140.
[Council to Tentmakers.]
To the Tent makers respectively
Sir. As all the Troops belonging to this Province are
directed to March immediately to the Northward, and as they
will be greatly distressed for Tents unless we can be supplied
with Tenting Linnen from you, we earnestly beg you will send
us what you can possibly with the utmost dispatch.
August 16th 1776
No. 141.
[Council to Hollingsworth.]
To Jesse Hollingsworth
Sir. We are pleased to hear that you are going on with
getting Timber for the Gundolas and other necessarys, you
may depend on being handsomely paid according to the
trouble you have, so you may proceed and make your Charge
if reasonable, it shall be paid. — the charge for your Teams we
take it for granted will be moderate therefore expect you will
set them to work hawling Timber — whisky and Continental
Rum may be furnished to the Workmen at Markett Price in
the manner you mention.
We wish you could hire some persons to bring the Skow
down to us, we want her much, we know not what to say
about the Boats, not having received your Letter by Hutch-
ings — when we do we shall take due notice of it.
August 16th 1776
No. 142.
[Council to Maryland Deputies.]
To the Deputies in Congress
Sir. We received yours of the 13th and have seen what you
wrote to Major Jenifer on the State of Publick Affairs, in Con-
sequence of a Resolve of the Convention we have given
orders to all the Independant Companies four in number to
march. Colonel Carvell Hall and Colonel Ewing, and six or
seven Companies on the Eastern Shore have like orders to
No. 143.