210 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
No. 136. ,
[Council to Tentmakers.]
As all the Troops belonging to this Province are directed to
march directly you will get all the Tents ready you are to
make with the greatest dispatch.
16th August 1776
No. 137.
[Council to Deans.]
To Captain Deans, Queen Anne County
By order of Convention you are immediately to march to
Philadelphia where you will receive further orders. The
Service requires the utmost expedition. You will go to the
Head of Elk by water, where Provision and Baggage
Waggons will be provided for you. If those who have lent
Guns upon Condition your Troops continued in Queen Anne's
County, insist upon having them returned, you will then
supply the deficiency occasioned thereby out of Captain
Dames's Company, which has a number of Guns purchased
by the Committee.
August 16th 1776.
No. 138.
[Council to Bourke.]
To Captain Bourke
Sir. You are requested to apply to Major Fallin for the
Guns he has the care of, which were taken in a Tender, and
you are likewise to apply to the Committee of your County
for all the Guns they have by them to arm your Company
agreeable to a Resolve of Convention which you have here-
with inclosed, those two parcels of Guns together with what
you have otherways procured, will completely arm your Com-
pany, and by the order of Convention you are immediately to
March your Company to Philadelphia and there you'll receive
further orders.
August 16th 1776
No. 139.
[Council to Dorchester Committee.]
To Committee of Observation, Dorchester County.
Inclosed is a Copy of an order of Convention, we request
you will deliver to Captain Bourk, to whom we have wrote on
the subject, all the arms we understand are in your County,
and afford him all the assistance in your power in equipping
him for his march to the Northward agreeable to orders
already sent him.
August 16th 1776