of the Council of Safety, 1776. 15
Williams's and Mr Snowden's promotions by Mr Mullikin who
has the care of this Letter. I am Gentn
Your very Humble Servt
8th July 1 776. Rob'Tyler.
[Jesse Hollingsworth to Council.]
Sirs. At the request of Mr Purvines I have sent down 3
Vessels that will carry 3,Companies of the Soldiers to Elk or
where the may bee wanted. I do this at his request not doubt-
ing but it may bee right, as hee says you desird it. But
please when you want any thing done by mee, write a line, as
I could tell better how to proseed and with greater Sartainty.
Shall finish unloding the Brigs to morrow, but the delay was
owing to the owners not beginning at your first request,
from your friend and humble Servant
Jesse Hollingsworth
C. S. C.
I am to pay each of these Vessells 17s 6d day, and the find
them in hands & Provisions.
Baltimore July 8, 1776. Sunday afternoon.
Tuesday 9 July 1776.
Council met. Present the same Members as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Daniel Grant of Baltimore Town three pounds for Expresses.
Ordered that the following Advertisement be inserted in
the Maryland Gazette.
"Wanted immediately for the use of the province 3400
Canteens, wooden Bottles, or Kegs to hold one Quart each,
3400 Knapsacks with Havre-sacks, and 500 small Iron potts
or Kettles with Bales to supply the place of Camp Kettles ;
any Person or Persons willing to contract for supplying the
same, are desired to send their Proposals to the Council of
Safety as soon as possible."
By Order
R. Ridgely Asst Cl.
Dr Richard Tootell was appointed Surgeon to the Battalion
of Militia to be stationed in the City of Annapolis and Balti-
more Town, to supply the place of Col. Smallwood's Battalion.
Thomas Henry Howard, Surgeon's mate to the said Bat-