14 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
You was pleased Gentlemen to give me a Comission of
first Surgeon of Collonell Smallwoods Battalion only, which I
accepted with the promise of having it laid before the Con-
vention in order to encrease the Salary adequate to the above
mentioned Station I have acted all along in that Station
according to the extent of the circumstances I have taken &
caus'd to take care of the Sick of the Ship Defence as often as
they left the Harbour. I have advised and visited them when
in Harbour. I have even twice furnished them with a Surgeon
in absense of their own. The Militia when called to Town
made likewise application during their stay. Several more
might be mentioned, but the above will be sufficiently con-
vincing and leave the method to your consideration being with
the greatest respect, Gentlemen,
Your most hble & most Obed Servt.
C. Wiesenthal
[Henry Hollingsworth to Jenifer.]
Yours of the 7th pr Express is now before me, every requisite
necessary shall be provided for Expediting the Troops with
despatch could wish something had been said regarding pro-
visions, as I am now at a loss whether to provide or not, and
am Sir,
Your most Obedt Humble Servt
H. Hollingsworth
Elk 7 oclock 8th July at Evening.
To Daniel of St Thomas Jenifer
President of the Council of Safety.
[Tyler to Council.]
You have enclosed a list of the Arms in my Battalion. I
am informed by Major Williams who examined the Guns, that
all those said to be in good order are such as the owners
would chuse to make use of in case of an Emergency. By
this return the guns in the Battalion amount to no more than
351 which I am sorry to hear are so few, however the many
good ones make amends. I have further to inform you that
for the sake of satisfying the people, I allowed them to chuse a
second Major who is wanting from the resignation of Col.
Joshua Beall, and that Captn John McGill had the voice of a
very great majority. I therefore recommend him, as very
worthy your notice & hope you will appoint him to that
command. I beg you will send Commissions of mine, Mr