of the Council of Safety, 1776. 145
them great honour and has given me great pleasure. To
induce the privates in the several battallions to enter cheerfully
into the service, I ordered the Cols to direct a Capt, Ensign,
Sergeant and 2 corporals to march with the drafts of each
company; and tho the number of officers was greater than I
deemed necessary, yet I incline to think the men would not
have marched with the same alacrity had they not been accom-
panyed by their captains. After the troops had arrived at
their several places of rendezvous I discharged the supernu-
merary officers in every instance where I cou'd do it without
breeding great discontents among the troops, both officers and
privates being in general averse to the measure.
I am further to inform your board that I have taken such
steps as it will put it in the power of every officer and private
now on duty to attend and give their votes at the ensuing
elections without leaving our coast exposed to the attacks of
the enemy, which it is not all improbable they may make,
under an idea that our people are taken off to attend the
I have the honor to be with great respect
July 30th 1776. Your mo. obedt Servt
Henry Hooper.
[Nathaniel Smith to Council.]
I recd a letter yesterday, by Order of Council dated the 27th
Inst from Mr DuVall, desiring I would let you know the
number of Guns, sent down latley by Mr Hughes, the two last
he sent us was about five weeks ago, Vizt — one Eighteen & one
nine pounder. I have now only three Eighteen pounders left.
I this morning Recd your order by Capt Nicholson for five
Eighteen pounders which have dellivered, with a number of
Shot, & other Apperatus Acct of which you have inclos'd,
there is no nine or Eighteen pounders here but what are
mounted except those nines that ware first Cast by Mr Hughes
& not thought fit for use. I am Gentlemen
Your mo Oblidged Hhblc Servt
Fort at Whetstone Nathl Smith
July the 30th 1776.
[Harrison to Council.]
Port Tobacco July 30th 1776.
Gentlemen. I have the happiness to inform you that the
Molly Capt Thos Conway is once more safely arrived in great