[Hooper to Jenifer.]
Honble Sir. Since my last I have received from Major
Fallen who is stationed at Hooper's Streights an account of
the Guard then under his command having taken a small
schooner belonging to the enemy in a creek making out of
Holland's Streights. Major Fallen having received intelli-
gence of the Schooner being in the creek sent a Detachment
of thirty men who took her and the Cargo consisting of a
hogshead and a half of rum, 30 bushels of salt, the sails and
rigging of a sloop, a large quantity of old Iron a few guns,
swords and cartridge boxes. The schooner had four men,
three of whom were just out of the small pox, and are now
sent you by the Committee of this county, to be dealt with in
such manner as your board may judge proper.
I informed you a few days since of the drafts I had ordered
to be made out of the several battalions in my Brigade, which
I have since ordered to be stationed at the following places.
Col. Richardson with 125 privates of his battalion at this
place, 90 privates of Col Feddiman's battalion together with
30 privates of Col Ennall's battalion, at Cooke's point under
the command of Lt Colonel Stainton, Capts Robson & Ste-
phens Woolford with 15 privates each at Taylors & James's
Islands, Capt Keene with a party of 15 privates at Meekins
Neck, Capt Travers with a party of 1 5 privates at Hoopers
Island, Capt Wheatly with a party of 15 privates on Ascom's
Island, Lt Col John Ennals with a party of 45 privates on
Hungar river, Colo. Murray with a party of 130 privates of
his battalion and Major Fallen with 30 privates of Traver's
corps at Hooper's Streights. The Drafts from Col Dashiell
and Col Hayward's battallions consisting of 270 privates are
stationed at Nanticoke point, dammed Quarter and Animes-
sex. The Cols of the several battallions in Somerset & Wor-
cester Countys having consulted together were of opinion
that the militia of Somerset County would at present be suffi-
cient for the defence of that county and requested permission
for the Worcester Militia who had marched to Princess Anne
to return home, which I have granted them upon the assur-
ance of the officers that they will hold their men in readiness
to march on the shortest notice, if occassion should require it.
I cannot in justice to the Brigade omit informing your board
of the alacrity with which the officers & privates have stept
forth on this occassion. We have scarcely in a single instance
been obliged to draft, to make up our numbers and in several
companies there has been no small contention for the privilege
of being permitted to march: and indeed the spirit and
alacrity shewn by the whole brigade has been such as does