go Journal und Correspondence
5/ then 7/6 and lately 10/ a pound for what powder I have it
is selling currently at the South Branch at 2 dollars. I have
refused parting with any because I think we shall very soon
stand in great need of it here in Maryland. When the Con-
vention of December desired all Men to enrol themselves into
Companys, to provide a good firelock, Cartridge Box, half a
pound of powder & 2lb of lead, & to be ready to march upon
any emergency I exerted myself greatly, put myself to a con-
siderable expence, formed a company purchased a Lock Smith
& Cutler at a great price on purpose, got 100 cartridge boxes
made and woud soon have had the Company in tolerable
order; but I presently found my zeal gave offence and every
rub and Mortification was thrown in the way, to destroy the
Company, so that I threw up in disgust; from what Quarters
and factions it is needless to say; but I am extremely sorry to
see that very little regard has been since paid to the directions
of the Convention as to Arms and Ammunition, a few officers
and Privates have tolerable Pieces but for the rest some have
none, some without locks or even ramrods nor are there 5
Cartridge Boxes in the Company and all the expostulations as
a private man that I can make avails nothing, a fatal back-
wardness prevails and I lay a considerable part of it to the
Account of the officers not obliging the Men to put their
Arms into better order which I think they certainly might do.
In December last there was a good deal of powder and lead
in the store: instead of the People providing themselves with
some & keeping it ready, or in store, it has most shamefully
been wasted in Xmas Guns, fired away at birds and squirrels
so that now I fear there is very little in the County and that
little growing less every day. Our Committee a few days ago
applied to me for what I had to dispose among the People
which I refused to part with, well knowing that it will go like
the rest fired away at Ducks &c. What I have I intend to
keep, till it is wanted, to defend us against the Enemy, and I
make no doubt the Honorable Council of safety will make me
full Amends for my Zeal & Care in the preservation of it.
I have some powder, some lead, some Arms, 7 good light Iron
Cannon that would carry Balls of1 1/2lb there are four other
new ones at Pigg Point that will carry 3lb balls, if these were
put on travelling Carriages they might be of service to defend
the Sides of the Rivers against the Tenders, and I suppose
some arms and ammunition might be collected and procured,
if a proper officer in each County was appointed for that pur-
pose, and otherwise, I think there will not. My Opinion is that
there should be a Commissary General of Stores appointed by
the Council of Safety in each County, who, might employ
proper deputys to every Company & Battalion and collect all