82 Journal and Correspondence
tract: is it to the Council of Safety, or must I mention the
names of you gentlemen of the Council of Safety, please
advise me, & I am Gentlemen,
Your Obt hum Servt
Will Deakins Junr
[Stricker to Council.]
Gentlemen :
Agreeable to your direction I applied to the Committee of
this place for an order on Colo Joshua Beall to supply me with
arms for my company of minute men. But they satisfied me
they had no such power by pointing out a Resolve of the con-
vention, which authorizes the council of Safety alone to direct
concerning the distribution of the public arms in Colo Bealls
I beg leave to refer you to that Resolve, and must beg you
will as soon as you conveniently can give proper orders for
my being supplied. The arms here are now in good order &
what number I get shall be kept so. I'm likewise willing to
give bond, & security if required, for their being returned
barring the accidents of the Field, or such others as human
wisdom cannot forsee or prevent. I hope you will think this
request reasonable and that you will speedily grant it, & I am
with much Respect
Fredk Town Gentlemen, Your most hum. Servt
4th Octr 1775 George Stricker
[Matthews to Purviance.]
Sir: I intended writing you, on Thursday last on the sub-
ject of Iron Ordnance, but some unexpected business calling
me from home prevented my making the proper estimate of
the Boring & other Apparatus necessary for carrying on that
Business, so that I could not say any thing with any degree of
certainty till now as I have fully considered the matter I find
that it will require about £200 worth of Apparatus to go into
the Business of makg guns wch will be of little or no value for
any other purpose, the expense of Making Boring drilling &
finishing compleat will be about £40 Currency p ton & any
size or bore from 9 Pounds downwards may be cast at this
Country Furnaces.
If any gentleman shod incline to have any information
respecting the manufacturing of Iron guns, I will give, it chear-
fully. Or I will engage in it myself.
I am Sir your hum Servt
Kingsbury 14 October 1775. Geo. Matthews.
To Mr Saml Purviance.