366 Journal and Correspondence
In Council of Safety Annapolis 20 April 1776.
Ordered, That Mr George Lux, Clerk of the Committee of
Observation for Baltimore County, attend the Council of Safety
at the City of Annapolis on Monday the 22d Ins' and bring
with him the Proceedings of the said Committee in conse-
quence of Copies of Intercepted Letters from Lord George
Germaine to Robert Eden Esqr Deputy Governour of Mary-
land, which were transmitted to them by the Honourable The
Committee of Safety of Virginia: and also all Orders,
Resolves, Instructions, Requisitions, Letters, Papers, and
Writings relative to, or concerning the same, which now are
in his Possession, or were delivered to him as Clerk of the
said Committee of Baltimore.
By Order, G. Duvall Clk.
Upon which Mr Samuel Purviance Junr Chairman, and Mr
William Lux Deputy Chairman of this Committee applied for
their Advice and Instructions therein, it was judged expedient,
that they obey the said Citation but the Committee are at the
same Time of Opinion, that the Powers vested in the Council
of Safety do not justify the summoning any Member of this
Committee to appear before them, unless they have been
guilty of, or are charged with high and dangerous Offences
tending to disunite the People of this Province in their present
Opposition or to destroy the Liberties of America.
Mr George Lux Clerk to this Committee, produced a Sum-
mons from the Council of Safety for his Attending them with
Sundry Proceedings of this Committee on certain matters
therein mentioned. Resolved, That he be permitted to take
Copies of the said Proceedings, and Repair therewith to the
Council of Safety, if he thinks proper
Extract from the Minutes
Geo Lux Clk
[William Lux to Council.]
Baltimore 21 April 1776.
Gentlemen. I have received an order by Mr Quin to attend
your Honorable Board tomorrow which I should very willingly
obey, But as our Committee is to meet for the purpose of lay-
ing Taxes on Non-Associators, and we have appointed the
attendance of all our Members I presume to hope it will plead
my excuse for deferring it till Tuesday when you shall be
waited on by Gentn Your most obedt Servt
Willm Lux