of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 365
Which being read Resolved That this Committee do highly
disapprove of the Chairmans Conduct in presuming to Act in
any matter, without their Concurrence & Approbation, espec-
ially in Things, that so evidently do not come within their
Jurisdiction. And with Regard to the Instructions given to
Capt Saml Smith upon a late Pressing occasion, though the
necessity of the Case may be urged as an Apology for them,
yet this Committee always willing to move in the strictest
Line of Duty, and desirous to preserve due Subordination
and Order in the Community, do totally disavow and disap-
prove of them, knowing that the Power necessary in such
cases is not vested in this Committee; But nevertheless we
are fully persuaded, that the Chairman in issuing these Orders
was actuated only by that uniform warm and zealous Attach-
ment to our distressed and perhaps betrayed Country, which
otherwise would have merited the Thanks of every spirited
Friend of our Invaded Rights; And we trust, this well meant
Excess in so interesting a Crisis will find a more easy Pardon
with his vigilant Countrymen, than if he had been chargeable
with a criminal neglect, or with a Timidity still more dangerous
and blameable.
Lieutenant William Sterrett appeared before the Committee
and produced an Order from the Council of Safety for taking
into his Possession the Portmanteau & Papers of Mr Alexander
Ross, and convey the same to Annapolis to the Council of
Safety, on which Mr Thomas Harrison and Dr John Boyd were
appointed to proceed to Mr Grants and examine the Seal of
the Door, they returned and report, that the Seal was perfect,
and the Papers and Effects were delivered according to order.
The following Citations were produced before this Com-
In Council of Safety Annapolis 20 April 1776
Ordered, That Mr Samuel Purviance Junr Chairman of the
Committee of Observation for Baltimore County, attend the
Council of Safety at the City of Annapolis on Monday the 22d
By Order, G. Duvall Clk
In Council of Safety Annapolis 20 April 1776
Ordered, That Mr William Lux, Deputy Chairman of the
Committee of Observation for Baltimore County, attend the
Council of Safety at the City of Annapolis on Monday the 22d
By order, G. Duvall Clk.