362 Journal and Correspondence
Benjn Nicholson were ordered to enquire for and secure said
Ross's Papers, which they accordingly did, and report, that
Mr Grant informed them, the said Papers were deposited in a
Closet in his House, which he shewed to them, and which
these Gentlemen then sealed up without seeing or examining
said Papers.
In Congress 15 April 1776
Resolved, That the Council of Safety of Maryland be
requested to cause the Person and Papers of Alexander Ross
to be immediately siezed and secured, and that the Papers be
sent safely to Congress
And to prevent the said Alexander Ross having any Oppor-
tunity to escape Resolved, That the like Request be made to
the Committees of Observation for Baltimore and Frederick
Counties in Maryland, in one of which Counties the said Ross
now probably is
(Extract from the Minutes) Chas Thompson Secy
In Congress. Ordered to be transmitted to the Committee
of Baltimore. John Hancock Presid'
Please to convey a Copy to the Committee of Frederick
A Copy of said Resolution of Congress was also sent to the
Committee of Frederick County by the Post,
At a Meeting of the Committee 20 April 1776.
Present William Lux Chairman
Jas Calhoun Wm Buchanan John Smith John Merryman.
Benj. Griffith Thos Harrison John Boyd
The Committee being informed, that certain Instructions
were given by Mr Saml Purviance as Chairman to Capt Saml
Smith, which did not appear on their minutes, they sent for
Capt Smith & requested him to attend the Committee with
the Instructions he had received, he accordingly attended and
produced them, and they are as follows.
[printed on page 373]
The Committee then enquired of the Members present,
whether either of them had concurred in the said Instructions,
and on each of their Declaration, that they had not, they sent
for Mr Purviance & desired he would inform them, who of the
Committee were present, when the said Instructions were
given, & that he would give his Answer in Writing. Mr Pur-
viance accordingly came to the Committee and verbally
declared, that he had not consulted any one Person of the