of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 361
In Council of Safety Annapolis 17 April 1776
The Governeur has given the Council Satisfaction from under
his Hand, that he will not leave the Province till the Meeting
of the Convention: And that he will use his Endeavours to
promote the Peace thereof, while he stays
(Copy) G. Duvall Clk.
Thursday Morning 18 April 1776
The Committee met. Present Saml Purviance Junr Chairman
And Buchanan John Smith Thos Harrison John Sterrett
Wm Buchanan John Boyd Benjn Nicholson Jas Calhoun.
Jere. Townly Chace
Lieutenant Plunket returned from Philadelphia and brought
a Letter from The Honl John Hancock Esqr President of the
Continental Congress to this Committee, of which the following
is a Copy.
Phila 16 April 1776
I received & immediately communicated to Congress your
Letter of the 14th Ulto with the Important Papers enclosed.
In Consequence of which the Congress have Resolved, that
the Person and Papers of Governour Eden be immediately
siezed by the Committee of Safety, to whom I write by this
Opportunity. The Person mentioned in the enclosed Resolu-
tion (Mr Alexander Ross) is represented as a dangerous Par-
tizan of Administration, who has lately been with Lord Dun-
more, and it is suggested, is on his way to the Indian Country
to execute the execrable Designs of our Enemies. I have no
Doubt, but you will exert your utmost Endeavours in siezing
& securing him
I am with Respect Gentn Yr most obedt Servt
John Hancock Prest
To The Honl Committee of Baltimore County
P. S. You will please not to make Publick mention of the
Resolution respecting Governor Eden, until the Com. of
Safety have executed it
Lieutt Plunket also brought a Letter from the Honl Con-
tinentt Congress to the Council of Safety at Annapolis, which
was sent to them by Express by John Oumsetter
Agreeable to the Intimation contained in the Resolution of
Congress just received by Lieutt Plunkett respecting Mr A.
Ross and his Papers, Messrs Thos Harrison, John Smith, &