[Page to Council.]
Williamsburg Virginia 4th April 1776.
Gentlemen. We have this moment received the Inclosed
packett, and forward it to you with all possible dispatch; Its
importance will be known by the following extract, of the letter
which inclosed it to us dated Newbern 30th March 1776.
Gent I take the liberty to inclose to your care a pacquet from
South Carolina, containing dispatches of the utmost import-
ance to the Colonies, which I am directed by the commee of
Safety of that province to send on to the commee of Safety
of the district of Newbern, requiring that you gentlemen
will immediately forward it by express to the Commee of
Safety of Virginia, & to desire them to forward it by express
to the Commee of Safety of Maryland and to request that
Commee to forward it with the utmost expedition to Philadel-
phia. I have given you their request in their own words,
which will no doubt induce you to comply with their request
Signed Cornelius Stamett and addressed to the Commee of
Safety of Newbern district. For and by order of the Commee
of Safety. I am Gent
Your most obedt Servant, John Page. J. P.
C. S. C.
Friday 5th April 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Permit was granted to William Logan to pass with his
Vessel and a Cargo of Goods to Hobbs's Hall in the Colony
of Virginia, he having taken the customary Oath that he will
not carry any Letters or communicate Intelligence directly or
indirectly to any Person or persons inimical to America.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
the Committee of Observation for Charles County three hun-
dred Pounds to enable them to procure Blankets and provide
Subsistence for Captain Rezin Beall's independent Company.
Permit granted to Patrick Leybourne to go to Baltimore
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
William Tillard Quarter Master of the South River Battalion
twenty one Pounds five Shillings and three Pence on Account
of the said Battalion when on Duty.
Resolved That the Pay of the Naval Officers in the Service
of this Province be as follows to wit.
C. S. J.