of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 287
[Garrett to Rumsey.]
Sir. I had a line from you about Bayonets, I forged out by
a servant I had (since runaway) about sixty, for one of the
Militia Companys, and offered them at six shillings per peice
I deliver one as a sample they are mostly unfinished but I
could get them done by another smith I have, if I could have a
guage given me as to the size of the Barrel they were origi-
nally intended to fix on guns of different Bores but if I had the
size of the Muskets Barrel they can be finished all but fitting
them to the sight which must be done by an artificer with the
piece by him. if the Council of Safety should incline to take
these, I will set about them and its likely I may make them up
one hundred or more if I can & deliver them to your order, if
I had the guns I wd gladly fit them but it cant be well done
I am Sir yr Hble Servt
25 March 1776. Amos Garrett.
To Benjamin Rumsey Esqr
C. S. C.
Tuesday 26th March 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Copy of Letter No 86 was sent to the Chairman of the Com-
mittee of Observation for the Middle District of Frederick
County, and Copy of No 87 to Mr Daniel Hughes.
Commissions issued to Amon Riggs appointed Captain
George Cullem 1 Lt Brock Mockbee 2d Lt and Nathan Lin-
thicum Ensign of a Company of Militia in the lower District
of Frederick County.
Also to Richard Smith appointed Captain, Walter White
1 Lt George Norris 2d Lt and Thomas Hays Ensign of a Cadet
Company of Militia in said District of said County.
Also to John Adlum appointed Captain, John Ferguson
1 Lt Christian Weaver 2d Lt and Thomas Beatty Ensign of a
Company of Militia in the Middle District of said County.
Also to Peter Mantz appointed Captain, Adam Grash 1 Lt
Peter Adams 2d Lt and Nicholas White Ensign of a Company
of Militia in said District of said County.
And to William Ritchie appointed Quarter Master of the
33d Battalion of Militia, Frederick County.
Copy of Letter No 88 was sent to Col. Joshua Beall of Prince
George's County.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Beriah Maybury twenty three Shillings and six Pence for
Expences incurred in sounding the Depth of the River between
Greenbury's Point and Horn Point.
C. S. J.