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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 262   View pdf image (33K)
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262 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

Honorable the Council of Safety for two barrels of gunpowder

and fifty stand of arms compleat for the use of this County as
we have not received the powder ordered from Charles County.
pr order. Joseph Wilkinson elk Committee.

[Tillard to Council.]

Pigg Point 18. March 1776.
Gentlemen. I this day received a line from Mr Duvall of
the 13th February requesting I would inform you what quan-
tity of public gun powder is in my hands, and where stored ;
201lb is what I was paid for, at 2/6 pr lb 200lb of Mr Brogden was
also lodged with mine, being in the whole 401lb stored in our
store at this place, 305lb of which by your order was delivered
to Mr Isaac Harris, the remainder by order of the Committee,
into the hands of the Militia
I am Gentlemen, Your mo obedt Servt
Thomas Tillard :

C. S. J.

Tuesday 19th March 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday. Mr Jenifer attended.

Ordered That Col. Joshua Beall of Prince Georges County
deliver unto George Mason and John Dalton Esqrs, of Fairfax
County, Virginia, or their Order 10 Barrels of the Gunpowder
imported in the Sloop Molly, Thomas Conway Master.
Copy of Letter No 66 was sent to George Mason and John
Dalton Esqrs Copy of No 67 to The Committee of Safety of
Virginia, and Copies of No 68 to The Honble George Plater
Esquire, and Brigadier General Dent respectively.
Ordered That a Magazine be built at the public Expence in
the neighbourhood of Captain James Tootell's under the
Inspection of John Hall Esq. upon the following plan viz. A
Brick House 16 Feet square with a pigion house Roof. The
Walls to be two Bricks to the first Flour, and a Brick and a
half afterwards: about 9 Feet Pitch: Walls to be battened
with wooden Blocks and lathed and plaistered. Two small
Windows with Iron Bars; one Door: Two small Gentry Boxes
made with Plank on End: An Iron Rod to prevent Lightning
falling [on the Magazine].
As it may sometimes be necessary for the Defence of this
Province that the Militia should be called into Service to repel
sudden Attacks and Invasions before it can be convenient for
the Brigadiers General and other Field Officers to receive
particular Orders from the Council of Safety, It is therefore

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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 262   View pdf image (33K)
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