C. S. C.
No. 64
[Council to Wright.]
To Colo Thomas Wright
We have received your Favor of the 12th Inst, inclosing
Commissions of Officers in the Militia who have refused to
accept them and now transmit you others to supply their
Places. The same Motives that led you to withhold them so
long, which we think you are highly commendable in doing,
we hope will induce you still to persist in your Efforts to settle
and quiet the minds of the People at this alarming Crisis of
our Affairs and to reconcile them to the Appointments of
Field-Officers in your County, which the last Convention
thought proper to make and we cannot but flatter ourselves
when they reflect seriously on the Consequences which will
inevitably flow from the Measures they have adopted, they will
no longer pursue them. If our Expectations should not how-
ever be answered in a short Time and they should obstinately
persevere, it will then become our indispensible Duty to pursue
different, tho' disagreable Expedients, and to exert the Powers
which we are invested with for the Public Good with a View
to that End.
We have fixed the Station of the Troops for your County at
Blunt's Ware-House on Kent Island & shall order them to
repair there as soon as they can be supplied with Provision,
which we imagine will be by the last of next Week at furthest.
18th March 1776
C. S. J,
Monday 18. March 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday except Mr Hands.
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore deliver to
Mr Charles Wallace unsigned Bills of Credit of this Province
to the Amount of £6000.
Copy of Letter No 65 was sent to William Hindman Treas-
urer of the Eastern Shore.
Adjourned till 3 o'Clock and met accordingly.
Commissions issued to Thomas Williams appointed first
Major and Thomas Snowden, second Major of the 25th Bat-
talion of Militia in Prince Georges County.
Also to Thomas Richardson appointed Captain, Ralph
Crabb 1 Lt & William Holmes 2d Lt of a Company of Militia
in said County and also to Basil Waring (the 3rd) appointed
Captain & William D. Beall 1 Lt of a Company of Militia in sd
County belonging to the 25th Battalion.
Adjourned 'till next Day 9 o'Clock.