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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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258 Journal and Correspondence
hend there may be a considerable risque in sending it to the

Treasurer of the Western Shore at this time, this account
would have been sooner transmitted to you, had not the late
alarm of the sloop of War and Tenders in a manner stopt the
communication between this and Annapolis.
I am with great regard, Gentn Yr most obedt servt
Wm Ennalls.

C. S. C.

[Dorchester Committee to Council.]

To the Honble the Council of Safety of the Province of
We hereby certify that an enrollment of a Company of
Militia bearing date the 30th of November 1775 to wh is
annexed a certificate of the officers chose for the same bearing
date the 16th Decr 1775 was lately returned to us we further
certify that the said enrollment was agreeable to the resolves
of the Convention held at Annapolis, the 26th of July last, and
that it appears the following gentlemen are elected commis-
sioned officers to wit,
Benjamin Keene Captain
John Keene Junr 1st Lieutenant
Richard Tubman 2d Lieut.
John Griffith Ensign.
That the said Company are called The Buck Company, and
that there are to the same, four sergeants, four corporals and
one drummer and fifty seven privates. We therefore pray
with the approbation of yr board that Commissions may issue
thereon. Signed p order Committee of Observation
March 16th 1776. James Murray C.
Cambridge Dorchester County :

[Dorchester Committee to Council.]

To the Honble the Council of Safety of the province of
We hereby certify that an enrollment of a Company of
Militia bearing date the 11th day of February 1776 with a cer-
tificate of officers for the same was lately returned to us, we
further certify that the 1st enrollment was agreeable to the
resolves of the Convention held at Annapolis the 26th of July
last, and that it appears the following gentlemen are elected
officers vizt
Timothy McNemara Captain
John Stewart McNemara 1st Lieut
Charles Johnson 2nd Lieut
John Carwan Ensign.

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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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