directed to forward to you, and as I recollect was ordered not
to be made public. I am Gent
Yr mo. obedt Servant
Mat. Tilghman
[Baltimore Committee to Council.]
Baltimore 16 March 1776.
Gentlemen: As the powder and lead belonging to the
public was placed in different stores, and on the late alarm the
mode of delivering it out was very troublesome and uncertain,
besides being liable to much waste, This Committee thought
it necessary to direct the whole to be removed into one house
for the greater ease of having a guard placed on it, And that
it might be delivered properly and an acct kept regularly they
appointed Mr Gerrard Hopkins as a commissary of Military
stores, and as such an officer must be appointed we beg leave
to solicit your confirmation of Mr Hopkins, as he is capable and
desirous to officiate. It became more necessary to make this
appointment at the time, as the powder from Philad. was
coming in, and several other matters for the service of Militia
wanting, the whole of which can be executed by him.
We are Gentlemen, Your most hum Servts
Willm Lux Depy Chn Jno Smith
Wm Buchanan Thomas Harrison
John Boyd Jno Merryman Junr
Jno Sterett.
C. S. C.
[Ennalls to Council.]
Dorchester County March 16, 1776
Gentn Yours of the 2d of February inclosing a Resolve of
the continental congress for collecting gold and silver in this
Province, together with your appointment of Mr James Murray
Mr Henry Steel and myself to collect the same in this county
came to my hands, which I immediately communicated to those
gentlemen, since which we have made applications to all the
principal men of the County of whom we apprehended there
was any chance of getting Gold or Silver, and I am sorry to
inform you the scarcity of specie is such that, we are only able
to procure (including our own small stock) about Five hun-
dred and twenty pounds which sum we can immediately get if
your honors are pleased to send us an order on the Treasurer
of the Eastern Shore for so much paper money to pay in
exchange for it, and will be pleased also to direct the same
Treasurer to receive the gold and silver of us, as we appre-