C. S. C.
pany in general, and that many had declared if those gentle-
men were promoted they would not continue in the Com-
pany. It was therefore thought best to give the people a
new election, which was the sole reason why there was no
appointment in Convention. On the second meeting of the
Company for the purpose of Choosing their officers, the
gentlemen I mentioned to you, and which I was desired
to do by them, were named, however since receiving your
letter inclosing Capt Bowles Commission, they have had &
lately a full meeting of the Company, and in order to reconcile
and satisfy all partys, they have agreed, and that with the Con-
sent of Messrs Dorsett & Haye, and of which I am particularly
requested to inform you, that Mr Robert Bowie be appointed
first Lieutenant, Mr Wm N. Dorsett second Lt & Mr Thomas
Haye Ensign, this I am well assured will give general content,
but if Mr Bowie should not be appointed first Lieutenant to
this Company I am satisfied they will be in the utmost con-
fusion, and as it is intirely agreeable to Messrs Dorsett &
Haye, who desire nothing more than their first appointments,
I shall hope to receive their respective Commissions by the
return of this post.
I am gentlemen
With great regard your most obt Servant
Joseph Sim.
C. S. J.
Friday 15 March 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Commission issued to Samuel Griffith appointed i Lieut.
Richard Finley 2a Lt and James Robinson Ensign of Capt.
William Frisby's Company of Militia in Kent County.
Ordered That Col. Wm Smallwood be empowered to pur-
chase all the Blankets and Cloth at Bladensburg and George
Town for the use of the Troops of this Province, and to con-
vey the same to the City of Annapolis.
Ordered That James Tibbit Master of the Brig Wild Duck
deliver to Mr William Houston two thousand pounds weight
of Gunpowder and all the small Arms and Accoutrements
thereto belonging, the Property of the Province of Maryland
imported in said Brig.
Copy of Lre No 58 was sent to Mr Daniel Bowly of Balti-
more Town.
The Thanks of the Council were delivered by the President
to Captain Nicholson of the Ship Defence (vid No 59.)
Copy of Letter No 60 was sent to the Deputies of this Prov-
ince in Congress.