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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 244   View pdf image (33K)
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244 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

[Baltimore Committee to Council.]

In Committee Baltimore March 13th 1776.
Gentlemen. I am directed to inform you that Messrs Jno
Smith Benjamin Nicholson, Captns Nicholson Boucher & myself
having this day examined the state of the Batteries already
made & making at Whetstone & Fells Point, & reported the
same to the Committee. They are induced to believe & hope
that there is every rational prospect of securing the town of
Baltimore in Case of the Otter returning with any other
Frigate that can come up this River. And as the ship defence
may be so stationed as to support the Batteries & Boom at
Whetstone it will be of the greatest importance for the preser-
vation of both the Town & ship, that she should not be ordered
out of this harbour. The attention of our workmen being
entirely engaged since last week on the Batteries at Fells
Point, the Boom is of consequence less forward than it other-
wise would have been, But to avoid every possible hazard of
its being too late, It is agreed (with the advice of Captn Nichol-
son) to sink all the vessels now collected at Whetstone Point ;
which will serve the purpose untill the Boom now executing is
compleated. We have got the vessels all valued & ballasted,
and Persons are appointed to begin sinking them to-morrow.
The Battery at Whetstone will be ready to mount several
guns in a few days; even now it can be used on emergency.
At Fells Point the Breast Works fit for 19 or 20 cannon will
be nearly compleated tomorrow. General Buchanan has
ordered away the militia of Harford this day. Our worthy
friends of York County have raised a select company of Rifle-
men, commanded by Mr Joseph Donnaldson to be held in
readiness to march to our assistance on any emergency: The
Committee beg leave to submit to your consideration whether
(as you have no artillery at Annapolis) it would not be advise-
able to station Capt Fulfords Company of matrosses in this
place. That gentlemans knowledge as a gunner may be of
much service to us. Either one or Two wag" loads of Powder
sent us by our delegates on the first alarm are arrived in Town
this evening. We shall calculate on another visit from the
vesls of war & use every means in our power to be prepared
for it.
I am with great respect, Gentlemen Your most hble Servt
p order Saml Purviance Junr Chairman

C. S. J.

Thursday 14th March 1776
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Ordered, That Major Price be empowered to purchase or

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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 244   View pdf image (33K)
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