opinion that as the Brigadier General for this district is very
distant & as no Field officers are yet appointed for the two
Battalions of this County in case of an attack some temporary
power ought to be vested to direct the operation of the several
companies. They submit it to your wisdom to determine
whether this temporary power might not be lodged by you in
their body who you may depend will exercise it for the good
of the Country in General to the utmost of their power and
abilities. Capt Veazy has now got all his company collected
here and no provision has been made for them by the Com-
missary, the Committee think it their duty to mention this cir-
cumstance that you may give the necessary orders therein in
the meantime the Committee will cooperate with Capt Veazy
& do every thing in their power to supply the men with pro-
Signed by order
W. Hall Clk. Comtee
[Fauntleroy to Council.]
To the Honorable the Council of Safety of Maryland:
Inclosed is a commission of Mr John Hynson he has resigned,
as his removal out of the neighbourhood, has made it inconve-
nient to attend as ensign & the company has elected James
Black Senr in his room as ensign of the said Company of
I am gentlemen Yr most obedient humble Servt
13'o March 1776. John Fauntleroy.
Sir. I must give up my Commission as I have moved, out
of the neighbourhood and hope you will excuse me, as nothing
but the ill convenience of attending obliges me to give up the
Commission. I send up the commission by your boy & hope
this will excuse me from attending by you. And the Company
& I am extremely obliged to them all for their good will, and
acknowledge myself in debt a handsome treat to the Company
which shall be performed the first opportunity so conclude
your most obt Humble Servt
John Hynson.
March 4th 1776.
To Capt John Fauntleroy :
If you dont chuse to gratifie the Company in their choice
Richard Keene son of William Ensn is, in the Capts Judgment
& mine a more suitable man for the place.
Rd Mason.