C. J.
Monday 7th August
Met according to adjournment
Gustavus Scott appeared for Somerset County.
The memorial of James Christie Junr of Baltimore Town was
read; and upon reading the Letter of the said James Christie
therein referred to, dated the 22d of February 1775, to Gabriel
Christie, Lieutenant Colonel of the 6oth Regiment in which
the said Christie represented the inhabitants of that Town, as
concerned in measures, in his opinion, treasonable and rebel-
lious; and that a number of Soldiers would keep them very
quiet; the same was considered by this Convention and there-
upon it is Resolved, that the said James Christie, by the said
Letter hath manifested a spirit & principle altogether inimical
to the Rights and Liberties of America; that the said James
Christie by insinuating the necessity of introducing a Military
Force into this Province, has manifested an inveterate enmity
to the Liberties of this Province in particular, and of British
America in general.
Therefore Resolved, that the said James Christie is, and
ought to be considered as an enemy to America, and that no
person trade, deal or barter with him hereafter unless for
necessaries and provisions, or for the sale or purchase of any
part of his real or personal Estate, of which he may at this time
be seised or possessed.
Resolved that the said James Christie be Expelled and ban-
ished this Province for ever, and that he depart this Province
before the first Day of September next.
Resolved, That no punishment be inflicted on the said
James Christie other than what is now directed by this Con-
Resolved, That the said James Christie deposit in the Hands
of this Convention, or into the hands of such person or per-
sons as they shall appoint, the sum of five hundred pounds
sterling, to be expended occasionally towards his proportion
of all Charges and Expenses incurred, or to be incurred, for
the defence of America, during the present contest with Great
Britain; the overplus, if any, after a Reconciliation shall hap-
pily be effected, to be returned to the said James Christie.
Resolved, That the £500 Sterling is to be good in Sterling,
or other money at par: That the Resolutions of the Committee
of Baltimore County are, by the determinations of this Con-
vention superseded; and that therefore the said James Christie
may negotiate his Bills of Exchange, and that he may assign,
or he, or any person for him, may collect the debts due to him
in the same manner as other persons may negotiate their Bills
of Exchange, or assign, or collect their Debts.
Convention adjourns till tomorrow morning 10 o'Clock