Proceedings of the Maryland Convention, 1775. 11
repaid their money out of the Bills of Credit to be issued, or
if Bills of Exchange shall be lent, then the same shall be
repaid in the same manner as the other loans of Bills of Ex-
change to this Convention.
The Petition of Richard Henderson of Bladensburgh was
read the first time and ordered to lie on the Table (No 8)
Turbutt Wright and Walter Tolley have leave of absence.
On reading and considering the Petition of Richard Hen-
derson of Bladensburgh, setting forth his apprehensions, that
some people of the neighbourhood of that place, if not advised
to the contrary by this Convention may do violence to his
person or property, on account of his becoming security for
the appearance of George Munro, who hath absconded. It is
Resolved, to be the sense of this Convention, that all persons
refrain from all manner of violence to the said Richard Hen-
derson and his property, on the occasion before mentioned ;
And that the Committee of observation for Prince George's
County are hereby empowered to determine and certify to this
Convention, whether the said Richard Henderson did collude
with, or in any manner promote the said George Munro in his
said Escape; on which this Convention will take order therein.
And this Convention strongly impressed with an idea of the
confusion and disorder which must inevitably ensue, and
the disunion which must necessarily follow, from the people
at large being collected and inflicting punishments before
a cool and temperate investigation of the case; and con-
sequently the injury which may be thereby done to the
common cause of Liberty, confide, that the Virtue of the
people, and their attachment to the liberties of America, will
guard them against a commission of the Excess apprehended.
Convention adjourns till to morrow morning 8 o'Clock.
C. J.
Saturday 5th. August.
Met according to adjournment.
Mr Josias Beall, Mr Walter Bowie & Colo Samuel Beall have
leave of Absence.
Mr Baker, Mr Wootton, Mr Thomas Ringgold and Mr Rich-
ard Brooke have leave of absence till Monday next.
The memorial of James Christie Junr of Baltimore Town,
was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table (No 9)
Convention adjourns till Monday twelve o'Clock.