of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 109
Assurances. to the Ministry that he believes they contain the
real Sentiments of the People of this Province. The Gov-
ernor has taken this measure in Consequence of a free Con-
versation with Messrs Matthew Tilghman, Thomas Johnson,
Thomas Stone and James Hollyday and ourselves on the Sub-
ject. The Step cannot be productive of an ill effect; it may
be of the greatest Service; it may possibly bring about some
Overture to a general Reconciliation. He has promised you
shall have the Perusal of what he has wrote, when you come
to Maryland. We intimate this to you to prevent the Letter
being stopt on Suspicion of its containing any information or
intelligence unfriendly to America. We do not doubt but you
will think with us that the sooner it reaches England the better
in the present critical Situation of our Affairs, and that you
will give Maynard the proper passports to New York.
P. S. There are some few other Letters,
which from the Governor's
Information we believe are from Colo Sim
& others to Thos Eden & Co on private
[Murdock to Council.]
January 23d 1776.
I have been honoured by the Convention, with the enclos'd
Commission which I now return to you, with a Prayer to be
excused from accepting of it. The precarious and declining
state of my Health renders me incapable of executing the
office, either with Benefit to my country, or reputation to myself,
and therefore, I think it my duty to refuse it.
I am Gentlemen with the greatest Respect.
Yr most obt Hble Servant,
Addison Murdock.
[Robson to Council.]
Cambridge January 26th 1776
I observe by a Resolve of the late Convention, that the
minute company of Dorchester County, which I have the
Honour to command, is ordered to march down into Virginia.
And as the Gentlemen who was my First Lieutenant has
thought proper to resign his Commission, I have herewith
inclosed it to you. Least you should be unacquainted with a
Person suitable to fill that Station, have in some measure
thought it my duty to inform, that with your approbation could