Liber A.
68 Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50.
vnanimously agreed to referr all matters in difference betwixt
them to the finall determinacon of Mr Cuthbert ffenwick &
Barnaby Jackson Arbitrators by them indifferently chosen for
that purpose And doe severally binde themselues one to the
other in ten thousand pounds of Tobacco a peice to stand to
abide & perform such Award or Arbitramt therein as they the
said Arbitrators shall make Provided the same bee made and
published before the fifteenth day of this prsent Moneth. And
the said Parties are further likewise agreed That aswell the
said Award (if made) as also this prsent Ingagemt shalbe
recorded in the Secretaries Office of this Province to remayne
there as a Judgmt against the discenting party without any
further suite or Order therevppon Witnes the said Capt Wm
Mitchell his hand this sixt day of december 1650
Wm Mitchell
In the prsence of Cuthbt ffenwick, Barnaby Jackson
The Arbitrators is agreed as followeth
ffor 31 weekes at his owne Table at 42l p weeke
for 42 weekes at his servants table at 20l p weeke
for Houseroome Poultry Candles & Canowe
for wine consented to bee allowed wch is
This is our Award as witnes our hands this tenth of december
Cuthbt ffenwick Barnaby Jackson
Vppon the mocon of Mr Tho: Hatton his Lopps secretary (in
the prsence of Capt Willm Mitchell) to haue the opinion of the
Court touching a certaine paper writing (last before recorded)
whether an Award or not, the Court tooke the same into con-
sideracon and had some debate therevppon but noe deter-
minate order was this day published herein
Walter Waterling plte
John Hatch & al Execrs of
Tho: Allen deceased defts
It is this day ordered in the prsence of
both parties to this suite that the defts
shall pay vnto the Complte two hundred
and thirty Pounds of Tobacco and Caske the Remainder
vnpaid of 530l Tob due by Bill out of the deceadents estate.
At a Court held at St
The Governor Thomas Greene
Maries 11° die ffebr
Esqr Thomas Gerrard Esqr Capt
John Price Capt Willm Mitchell
Mr John Pile Mr William Eltonhead
Mr Tho: Hatton
Vppon mocon made into this Court by his Lopps Secretary
Mr Thomas Hatton in the presence of Capt Willm Mitchell