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560 Court and Testamentary Business, 1657.
Liber B. Hostkeys be forthwith Satisfied the Said debt out of the Estate No. of the Said Dandy or Else Execution
Order for Jo: Nevills fine Whereas John Nevill by a former order of this Court was for Some Notorious Crimes Specified in the Said order, Cen- sured to be whipt, And Whereas divers Neighbours have Sub- scribed to a Petition that the Court would remitt the Said pun- ishment of whipping and Instead thereof, Impose a fine upon the Said Nevill in hopes his future Carriage, and Comportment p. 351 will testific his better Conversation. The Court at the Said Subscribers request doth order that instead of his the Said Nevills Corporall punishment, a fine of five hundred pounds of Tobacco be Imposed upon the Said Nevill And if duely paid by the Said Nevill or his friends the Subscribers of the Said Petition upon Demand to publique use, then the Said former order of punishment to be Void, or else to Stand in force, any thing in this order to the Contrary notwithstanding with Cost of Suit, Else Execution
The Subscribers to the aforesaid Petition have acknowledged themselves to be willing to pay the Said fine, in Case the Said Nevill Shall not himself be able.
Mrs lane Eltonhead aged forty yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined in open Court Sayth that She this Deponent heard Capt ifendall Say that Collo Smith had a Boy aboard, who was no Servant, but that he thought if he the Said ifendall would give him good words, he mought make him his Servant or words to that purpose Signum Jane x Eltonhead
Aron Jacobson aged 27 yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined in open Court the 4th of November 1657 Sayth that he heard Iohn Little Say in or about July last in his own house, that if mr Fran: Stockley were alive he would lustifie that Elizabeth Potts was dishonest with him the Said Littles Indian Boy, in his Come field And further this Deponent heard mrs Little make reply upon this discourse of her husband John Little, that if the Little Boy Cornelius his Servant his oath Could be taken in Court, that he Could Say more in the Same busieness then the Said Little had Spoken, and likewise She the Said Mary Little did farther Say, that if the Indian could be Sufferred to take his Oath, he could Say more then any one hath Spoken, and would lustifie that they had lay'n together. Aron Jacobson
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