Volume 10, Page 391 View pdf image (33K) |
Court and Testamentary Business, 1654. 391
Thomas Cornwallyes Esq plt The plantiffe and defendt producing Liber B. Coll ffrancis Yardley defendt their Accompts on both Sides after Much Arguing thereupon It is by Consent of both parties, Ordered that the defendant doe pay unto the plantiff fourteen hundred pounds of Tobacco and Caske with Court Charges. 30 May Execuc inde con Stat deft ad Satisfaciend. Marks Pheypo plte The Compite Sues for Satisfaction for Coll ffrancis Yardley deft two Voyages from Virginia to the defendts plantacon here in this province wherein the deft imployed him and his Sloop or Shallop, To which the defendt aliedgeth that he gave mr Chapley 12001 of Tobacco or in Value for the first Voyage according to his Agreemt with him who was mr of the Vessell and Saith that for the Second Voyage the pite onely tooke him into his Boate with four persons more being hither bound with Some Other Small fraight for which he thought he would not have Expected any thing, and the defendant not being able to proove that the plantiffe made any Agreement with him or that he was Master of the Vessell Saw no Cause to relieve him as touching the first Voyage, But for the Second with the pltes Consent It is ordered that the plantiffe Satisfie to the defendt five hundred pounds of Tobacco and Caske with Court Charg30 Maij Execuc Con Stat deft ad Satisfaciend p. 6o6 Edward Packer Attorn of Cal The plantiffes Suit being ffrancis Yardley plantiffe for 1000 l Tob: & Caske a Richard Hotchkeys & Willm Boreman dcfts piece for two Anckors of
Drams apiece which the defts had of him which were Coll Yardleys and Sold at that rate and no Satisfaction given and the defendants acknowledging the debt It is Ordered that the defendant Hotchkeys do forthwith pay unto the plte or his Attorney one thousand pounds of Tobacco in Caske for two of the Said Anckors and the defendt Boreman one thousand pounds of Tobacco and Caske for the other two Ankors with Court Charges.
Upon the Motion of Lt Nicholas Gwither It is Ordered that the attachmt at his Suit Executed upon the Estate of George Rapier deceased doe Stand in force till the next Court
The Court rising the Governour appointed the Next Pro- vinciall Court to be held the fifteenth day of November next
The Depositions of Henry ffox, mr John Metcalfe and rn Phillip Land taken upon Oath in open Court the 24th day of May 1654. Say. Henry ffox maketh oath that in or about March last being
Volume 10, Page 391 View pdf image (33K) |
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